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We’ve provided some answers to your questions, to try and put you on the right track

What's the point of voice biometrics?

Voice biometrics is a natural, simple and fast way of authenticating a person. Whether on the phone or in a login process, the person can be identified thanks to an encrypted voice signature signed by Whispeak.

What’s more, voice biometrics are easy to deploy, thanks to the presence of microphones in all devices, enabling greater fluidity in e-learning, transaction validation, call center authentication and logistics.

Is Whispeak's voice biometrics solution secure?

We offer our customers a high level of security to provide maximum protection against fraud and identity theft.

The Whispeak API is based on state-of-the-art technology and is constantly evolving to incorporate the latest security standards. Your voice signature is encrypted (end-to-end) and signed by high-performance systems to prevent any fraudulent use of the data.

Is voice biometrics reliable?

Voice biometrics is a solution for the future. With the proliferation of online services, passwords and authentication by SMS or email are no longer enough to secure your data.

Whispeak voice biometrics offers a secure solution for quick and easy authentication.

What happens if someone records my voice?

Our system analyzes all sounds emanating from an audio file and features an anti-spoofing system,
It will therefore detect any difference between a live voice and a recording.

What happens if I'm in a noisy environment?

Even if our solution works in noise, it is advisable to carry out the signature recording and authentications
in a quiet environment, so that the system can recognize you more easily.

Do I need an external microphone to record my voice?

No. Any microphone built into a computer, smartphone or headset can be used to record your voice.
However, it is recommended to use the same device for voice signature creation and authentication

Does Whispeak work with multiple languages?

Our technology is based on voice signature comparison.
It can therefore be used in any language, including your own.

How do you set up Whispeak to suit your use case?

Thanks to our intelligent interface, Whispeak offers many additional features,
such as increasing the sensitivity of the voice biometrics solution and its level of security.

Our engineers and partners are on hand to help you configure Whispeak to suit your organization

Is the use of voice biometrics authorized in France?

Yes, the CNIL is now considering more authentication modes, favoring those that leave control of biometric data with the speaker.
Your voice signature will never be used without your consent.

This guarantees respect for the personal data and privacy of every user.

Our solution also complies with the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD)
which governs the processing of personal data within the European Union.

If I've fallen ill, will the system work?

Yes. The system analyzes dozens of parameters in the human voice,
but only a few are affected by a cold